For all of my followers, thanks for understanding that this month was really a mess for me personally. Benny, the Jack Russell, actually walked (more like a stumble) across our outside area yesterday. Its been over a month since he could walk. It wasn't pretty but he got from one side of the yard to the other. PROGRESS!!! He is such a sweet happy dog and is just so excited by everything that I hate to see him struggling. He has undergone, 2 sets of x-rays, 2 blood test, an MRI and a spinal tap. He also has had 4 acupuncture treatments and is scheduled for more. But finally I think we have turned a corner.
Spent 5 days in the Nashville Area, principally Franklin TN with my son, daughter in law Emily and Kaylin. Kaylin is such a joy!!!!!! She turned 2 and is happy as can be.
My poor little Moroccan scene is still holding down its spot on the work table. Soon it will come together.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - It's almost Halloween
I love Halloween. Slightly less than Christmas, but not much. This post was originally posted in 2015 but still important because we’re gaining on Halloween.
A Halloween scene from Jill Castoral and Pat Holstrom's class.
A bag that got sidetracked from Hurricane Wilma in 2005, but finally finished and still doing well.
Table with lots of little things I love.
My littlest scene - quarter scale Halloween.
Happy Halloween and may you get all your favorite treats.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 29 - Some of us finish projects
If you remember, last month I posted every day during September about Raggedy Ann who turned 100 in September. I also corridinated a swap in 1/12 scale and 1/4 scale. My swaps are lovely but still in a box. Some people finish projects and I say - Thanks for the inspiration. Alice Zinn is one of those people.

She posted on facebook a small scene created with the 1/12 scale items she received in the swap, plus her contribution of the teddy bear in Raggedy attire.
Thanks Alice for putting this together. I still need to do something similar, but probably will be a few days. This was such fun!!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 28
Well I'm back. Dog was picked up at the veterinary hospital. He is doing better - still not walking. Alert, kicking his legs and moving all around the room on his side. Still don't know what caused his inability to walk. We done 2 sets of Xrays, MRI, Spinal Tap and 2 blood test and several acupuncture procedures. I'm glad he is back home.
Went to Nashville and that area for a week while dog was in the hospital so I could celebrate my granddaughter's 2nd birthday with her. Such a treat!.
As you can tell, it's been a BUSY time in our household. Miniatures will still be done, but on the good side, two of 3 projects have been completed.
Went to Nashville and that area for a week while dog was in the hospital so I could celebrate my granddaughter's 2nd birthday with her. Such a treat!.
As you can tell, it's been a BUSY time in our household. Miniatures will still be done, but on the good side, two of 3 projects have been completed.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27
Well real life has really been busy this year and the best laid plans etc. Hope you come back on the 28th as I finish my Moroccan scene.
What are you finishing up. I'd love to see your miniatures.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 21 Romantic Bedroom or another room in red!
I thought I would be back to finishing my Moroccan Scene. Dog is still bad and will be boarded at a veteninary hospital next week. Some signs of improvement but not a lot. Still happy eyes and is not in pain. Kicking his legs, but still not standing. Keep positive thoughts. Thought in the interim I would repost some of my favorite blogs. Still hoping before the end of the month to finish my 3rd project; my original intention.
Romantic Bedroom or Valentine Bedroom. I'm either late or very early for Valentine's Day. So let's just call it a romantic bedroom. I love red and with black accessories, I love it more. I also love checkerboard floors. If you've been following my blog, these admissions won't be a surprise at all.
Romantic Bedroom or Valentine Bedroom. I'm either late or very early for Valentine's Day. So let's just call it a romantic bedroom. I love red and with black accessories, I love it more. I also love checkerboard floors. If you've been following my blog, these admissions won't be a surprise at all.
This is one inch scale and displayed in a plastic case that is designed to display a basketball. Three sides are open for displayed and one side is wallpapered. Makes a great way to display a 'dust free' vignette.
Most everything in the setting is a result of swaps with fellow miniaturists. Some items I've had for years and knew they would go in a bedroom, just hadn't done one yet where they fit so nicely. Thanks to all my fellow miniaturists. I love your items and I love your friendship.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 20 Antiques by Gladys
I thought I would be back to finishing my Moroccan Scene. Dog is still bad and will be boarded at a veteninary hospital next week. Some signs of improvement but not a lot. Still happy eyes and is not in pain. Kicking his legs, but still not standing. Keep positive thoughts. Thought in the interim I would repost some of my favorite blogs. Still hoping before the end of the month to finish my 3rd project; my original intention.
My mother loved antiques and there were always antiques in our home. For may years she had an antique shop at Lake Lotawana in Missouri. After that, she did mall shows all over the country. She got to see a lot of the United States and had a good time doing those shows. This little shop (in quarter scale) is my tribute to her love of antiques. One love, of many, that I shared with her.
I hope you enjoy the little antique store.
Monday, October 19, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 19 - scale, scale scale.
I thought I would be back to finishing my Moroccan Scene. Dog is still bad and will be boarded at a veteninary hospital this week. Some signs of improvement but not a lot. Still happy eyes and is not in pain. Kicking his legs, but still not standing. Keep positive thoughts.
Thought in the interim I would repost some of my favorite blogs. Still hoping before the end of the month to finish my 3rd project; my original intention.
For years, I only did 1/12 scale (1 inch equals 1 foot). I swore off even thinking about quarter scale (1/4 inch equals 1 foot) because I thought it would be impossible to work on something that small.
Well the first few attempts didn't really change my mind. It was tough. I dropped things, I broke things, I couldn't get them small enough and on and on and on. After a short while, I decided I liked it. I could have so many more projects in a lot less room. I still love both scales and somethings really look better in a larger scale, but I adore quarter scale too.
I still have a lot of problem when making food. Most of my hamburgers would be 12 inches wide when they should be about half that. Oh well, I love challenges.
Now so you can see the difference, I will put pictures of some of my favorite pieces.
The little bed and table are on top of the 1/12 scale table.
Hutches in two sizes.
Little hutch, little bed and table on top of 1/12 scale hutch. (See I told you that you could have more things in quarter scale).
What scale do you like best????
Sunday, October 18, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 18- Tiny Dreams
I thought I would be back to finishing my Moroccan Scene. Dog is still bad and will be boarded at a veteninary hospital next week. Some signs of improvement but not a lot. Still happy eyes and is not in pain. Kicking his legs, but still not standing. Keep positive thoughts. Thought in the interim I would repost some of my favorite blogs. Still hoping before the end of the month to finish my 3rd project; my original intention.
I love bedrooms. It's my favorite room to decorate. Here are some of my favorites. This is set of bookends that hold 4 bedrooms. Each room is lighted so it is very easy to see all the details.
Rather a masculine art deco bedroom.
Pink - girly - bedroom. Love all the pink in this room.
Black and white bedroom. Always a favorite color combo of mine.
Flowery bedroom with lots of white. Also a favorite of mine.
Four little bedrooms in a child's puzzle box. I had accumulated a lot of beds and bedroom furniture.
Here they are all together.
Some of my favorite bedrooms:
This is a master bedroom in my dome house. Absolutely love the red/white/blue theme.
The master bedroom in my Lauren house. Pretty dark, but one of my favorite projects.
I have lots of favorites; hope you like the ones I've shared.
I love bedrooms. It's my favorite room to decorate. Here are some of my favorites. This is set of bookends that hold 4 bedrooms. Each room is lighted so it is very easy to see all the details.
Rather a masculine art deco bedroom.
Pink - girly - bedroom. Love all the pink in this room.
Black and white bedroom. Always a favorite color combo of mine.
Flowery bedroom with lots of white. Also a favorite of mine.
Four little bedrooms in a child's puzzle box. I had accumulated a lot of beds and bedroom furniture.
Here they are all together.
Some of my favorite bedrooms:
This is a master bedroom in my dome house. Absolutely love the red/white/blue theme.
The master bedroom in my Lauren house. Pretty dark, but one of my favorite projects.
I have lots of favorites; hope you like the ones I've shared.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 17 - Morroccan
The Moroccan scene has a liner and a wooden outside container. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do with the exterior.
I will be using scrapbook paper to cover the exterior walls. When you do this you run a risk of having gaps show along the edges. One of the ways to avoid this is to paint all the edges. If you have a tiny gap, it shows to be the color of the paper or at least close. A much better finish will be the result.
Here's the section of papers. The tile will be the roof.
I think this will make a great roof.
This will be the edges. Kinda look like ostrich feathers.
This will take me a bit of time to cover the entire box. I need to cut a plastic frunt to keep the dust out.
Come back tomorrow and see what I have finished up.
I will be using scrapbook paper to cover the exterior walls. When you do this you run a risk of having gaps show along the edges. One of the ways to avoid this is to paint all the edges. If you have a tiny gap, it shows to be the color of the paper or at least close. A much better finish will be the result.
Here's the section of papers. The tile will be the roof.
I think this will make a great roof.
This will be the edges. Kinda look like ostrich feathers.
This will take me a bit of time to cover the entire box. I need to cut a plastic frunt to keep the dust out.
Come back tomorrow and see what I have finished up.
Friday, October 16, 2015
National Dollhouse Miniature Month - Day 16, Let's make some grapes Tutorial 1/12 scale
Things have changed a bit this year. I am barely into finishing up my 3rd project this year and I have one incredibly sick Jack Russell. He went within 10 days from trouble walking to not walking at all. He has had 2 blood tests, an MRI and a spinal tap. Still don't know what is causing it but 3 doctors are assuming an infection. Hopefully we can clear that up. So I can still post every day, I thought I would reprint some tutorials. Hope you enjoy them. When Benny is better, I will get back to finishing projects.
Some time ago I posted a fall harvest. . It has a crate of grapes at the side yard and I wanted you to know how I make grapes. Lots of people use polymer clay - I don't have nearly enough patience to do that. I will show you a great way that is quick, easy and cheap.
Some time ago I posted a fall harvest. . It has a crate of grapes at the side yard and I wanted you to know how I make grapes. Lots of people use polymer clay - I don't have nearly enough patience to do that. I will show you a great way that is quick, easy and cheap.
Here is what you need for grapes:
You will need a good glue (Tacky works great), dried grape stems, glass paint (remember grapes are white, red, blue, purple, black). The paint I used was Gallery Glass window color in Berry Red by Plaid. This paint is translucent and makes for the real grape look. Oh yes - you need the grape - it's mustard seeds. Look in the spice section and fine whole mustard seed.
Put a little glue and a pile of mustard seeds in a container. A tablespoon of mustard seeds will make a lot of grapes. At the top of the picture is one little piece of dried grape stem covered in glue.
Roll the glue covered stem in mustard seeds and let dry. LET DRY!!! You can also clump at the end of a toothpick if you are making lots of grape bunches to pile in a basket.
Put two coats of gallery glass on them. Arrange in crate, tray, etc.
I hope you enjoyed the easy way to make grapes. If you were following from last year, but if you're new, you might enjoy the tip. If you haven't tried it from last year, now's the time.
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