Last winter I participated in a Scavenger Hunt. We were given a list of 25 things that could be used and we had to use 20 of them. In addition to posting the picture of our new mini scene, we had to post the list of items used and how we used them (if not obvious). When I first started this I drew a total blank. Didn't have an idea of what I would do, but finally got a great suggestion and it just sort of built itself. A fellow miniaturist suggested I lay out all the items and then pick 20 of them. It went from nearly impossible to finished very quickly.
List of items
1- 4 paper clips - Decorative under window 2- 2 cotton balls - snow on ground and over window awning 3- 1 spool of thread, with or without thread on it - NOT USED
4- 2 feathers - NOT USED
5- 1 piece of 4 x 5 inch bubble wrap - To fill out toy sack
6- 1 plastic easter egg - sleigh
7- 1 cover for a small box - NOT USED
8- 1 drinking straw, any size or color - gutter down spout
9- 5 inch square of green construction paper - walls on side of scene
10- 6 inches any size width of ribbon - banner above scene “Believe”11- 5 popsicle sticks - fence12- 5 buttons of any kind - Wheels of sleigh & nose of deer
13- 4 inch square piece of aluminum foil - ceiling
14- 1 pen cap - body of deer
15- 5 x 7 piece of blue print fabric - toy sack
16- 5 toothpicks (round, flat or fancy) spokes of wheels & tail of deer
17- 2 q-tips - ears of deer and light bulbs in sconces
18- 1 empty toilet paper roll - cut into tiles in front of door19- 1 sponge - NOT USED
20- 1 Christmas or Hanukkah card - background of scene
21- 2 wire connectors, any size - sconces over door
22- 6 inches of yarn or thick string - tie for toy sack
23- 1 birthday candle - NOT USED
24- a paper plate - dessert or dinner size, any color - Red Paper Plate used as awning over window - frame for scene
25- 1 metal or plastic bottle cap from soda or beer - decorative accent on fence.
Box is Raisin Box