I wanted to make a funky shirt. Bought two shirts - BOGO cheap and decided I would add a little paint to one of them.
I will be linking to Metamorphosis Monday at between naps on the porch.
Wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but I wanted to keep it simple. I decided to limit my colors to red, white and blue. I also didn’t want it to look too planned out. I also didn’t want it to go wandering all over the shirt. Masking tape kept me on task.
Here’s the final result.

A little blog on the collar, but I’m not going to worry about that now,

One sleeve and

Then the other sleeve.
Do I have enough funk? Don’t know. Will wear it a few times and if not, I can always add more.
I have been rather derelict recently on posting. Will try to post everyday this week and get caught up. If you don’t want to miss a post, please sign up for email notifications and you’ll know whenever a new post goes up on my blog. See you there.