The bowls are all red and white, but different patterns.
Last week I posted a dinner for two and this week, I am posting a variation of that theme. Don't you just love these bowls. A set of 4 at Ross was less than $7.00. Geez what a bargain. The glass was obtained at a yard sale for $5 for a set of 4.
I enter tons and tons of contests and I just never win. Now I can't say never again. I belong to a group for Raggedy Ann & Andy collectors. In December there was a contest and I was the winner. I wanted more charms for my charm bracelet and the cuties little miniature resin doll.
Our lives are intertwined with many people who remain strangers because of distance. I started subscribing to Rags many years ago and also participated in an on-line Raggedy Ann & Andy group. The name Edie Walsh keep cropping up. Our conversations were always on-line and were about Raggedies. The first extensive conversation we had concerned a miniature room setting I had created and she asked where I obtained some of the pieces. I packed up a little box of minis and sent them to her. Later I got an envelope with a picture of her miniature room plus some items for my room. Later we started exchanging ATC (Artists Trading Cards) and it was a very pleasant activity. Recently I received an email from Edie saying she and her husband were going to be on a Cruise that had a stop in Key West and if possible could we meet and, if possible, she would love to see my Raggedies . Absolutely - I told her my Raggedies were looking forward to meeting her. When she arrived in Key West, I picked her up and gave her the cook’s tour of Key West on the way to my home. It is always fun to share your collectibles and especially with someone who loves the same things. After seeing my raggedies and many of my room boxes, I had to take her back downtown to meet up with others in her party on the cruise. Edie is now so much more than someone who’s name appears in a magazine or on the back of an ATC.
Edie has a great traveling Raggedy which she showed me (now why don't I have one of those) that will be enjoying the cruise with her.
I've been going back and forth to Tampa since 2003 when my son started school there. I knew the Ringling Museum was good, but never had enough time on my way there (anxious to see my son) and always rushing to get home. Last weekend I attended the Molly Cromwell miniature show in Sarasota and knew if I was ever going to see the Miniature Circus, that would be the time. On Thursday January 7th I left Key West about 7:30 am and was inside the gates of the museum by shortly after 2 pm. A very fast trip (didn't stop for lunch), but I was determined to have at least two hours for the museum. They recommended I start with a video, but my mission was to see the circus so that is where I started. I've heard about the circus for years and years and was sure I would be impressed. Impressed isn't the half of it. It is absolutely wonderful. They also let you take pictures (without flash) and I am putting a few on my blog to entice you to see it if you ever get a chance. The Howard Bros. Circus is a ¾-inch-to-the-foot scale replica of Ringling Brothers Circus. There never was an actual Howard Brothers Circus. It is my understanding that the Ringling Brothers didn't want the miniature circus called that.
Out with Christmas - in with another collectible. Elephants, Elephants and more Elephants.
For Christmas:
When you get a chance, take a look at Between Naps on the Porch ( I'm joining them for Metamorphosis Monday. It is a great blog and so inspiring.
Earlier I had posted a picture of my elephant table decked out for Christmas. Loved it, but am ready to move on. I collect elephants. When my husband and I were married 42 plus years ago, he had two elephants and I had one elephant and arranged them all together on our coffee table. That Christmas I got elephants from all the family members saying 'I saw your collection'. Didn't know I had a collection, but certainly have been collecting them ever since. Displayed are just a small selection of my elephants.
This is a great big thank you to all the people who have inspired me with this blog. I love all my followers. Thanks for your support and your comments. 2009 was a fun year and I am certainly looking forward to 2010.