Layout of inside cottage. It was altered slightly when pieces were all glued in place. The Raggedy Bed was made by Cindy McDaniel and purchased on miniatures.only.
Don't you just love the little RA&A. I love the pine trees and birdbath. The bicycle is wonderful. The walkway is broken egg shells.
I love the little flower boxes on either side of the front door.
I certainly loved the little picnic table. I will eventually outfit with party items. 

One of the online Internet groups I belong to had a project in January to finish an 'unfinished project'. Miniaturists seem to have a lot of those laying around. You only had to build the building Well, my personal belief is that its still unfinished. I believe I can hear a project mocking me when it is in that state. I thought I would finish it to display status.
this is just adorable! good job on it!
Sheila, this is just wonderful! Did everything come in the kit, even the RA&As? You did a wonderful job. I am working more in 1/9 scale now, for Hitty, whom I dearly love, and am getting the monthly kits from Gail Wilson. Don't ask me if I have assembled them yet!
After seeing your completed verision of this house, it makes me think I need to landscape mine as well. Mmmm....
Great Job!
Love the raggedy's.
Hi Sheila...
My friend, your little Raggedy Ann and Andy house is just the cutest thing I've ever seen! I love how it turned out and I bet you had sooo much fun planning and putting it together! Thanks so much for sharing your sweet little house with us for the Sunday Favorites repost party this past week...this was such a treat, my friend! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
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