I love tablescapes, but I love my miniatures even more. I thought my little world needed its own special Christmas Table. I set their table the same way I set my real life table - full to capacity. Be sure to scroll all the way to the end of the pictures. Thanks to Susan at "Between Naps on the Porch" (
www.betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com) for hosting Tablescape Thursday. Also thanks to Babette
www.maidenamerica-babette.blogspot.com suggesting tablescape would be great done in Mini. She was so right.

Green Beans

Absoluely love salt and pepper shakers. Have had them for year, but didn't know where they belonged until I set this table.

The ham looks certainly good enough to eat.

Peas and Carrots, Potato Salad, Deviled eggs with olives

Fruit salads

Note the quarter for scale reference.
I LOVE IT _ I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
I am working on a new year's eve tablescape... tomorrow I search the internet for pics... isn't it fun!!!
Your table looks really good. Makes me hungry looking at it. I love those dishes.
This is what I love about blogging, I see things that I have never seen before. This is adorable!
Merry Christmas!
How cute! I love the peas and carrots along with the potato salad. What a darling idea.
Thanks for stopping by For the Sake of Time. Please com back again.
Your sweet little tablescapes are always so adorable!
Where did you get your bowls or seving platters for the food? I love your setting and I am working on one for next year! Great work!
Chris P.
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